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kisdi@helsinki_fi 2.1 3 {{id name="Up"/}}Publications in Biomathematics[[1992>>doc:||anchor="1992"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[1993>>doc:||anchor="1993"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[1994>>doc:||anchor="1994"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[1995>>doc:||anchor="1995"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[1996>>doc:||anchor="1996"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[1997>>doc:||anchor="1997"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[1998>>doc:||anchor="1998"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[1999>>doc:||anchor="1999"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[2000>>doc:||anchor="2000"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[2001>>doc:||anchor="2001"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[2002>>doc:||anchor="2002"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[2003>>doc:||anchor="2003"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[2004>>doc:||anchor="2004"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[2005>>doc:||anchor="2005"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[2006>>doc:||anchor="2006"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[2007>>doc:||anchor="2007"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[2008>>doc:||anchor="2008"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[2009>>doc:||anchor="2009"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[2010>>doc:||anchor="2010"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[2011>>doc:||anchor="2011"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[2012>>doc:||anchor="2012"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[2013>>doc:||anchor="2013"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[2014>>doc:||anchor="2014"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) (%%) [[2015>>doc:||anchor="2015"]](% style="color: rgb(0,0,0);" %) [[2016>>doc:||anchor="2016"]] [[2017>>doc:||anchor="2017"]] (% style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" %) [[2018>>doc:||anchor="2018"]] (% style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); color: rgb(0, 0, 0); color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" %)[[2019>>doc:||anchor="2019"]](% style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0); color: rgb(0, 0, 0)" %) [[2020>>doc:||anchor="2020"]] [[2021>>doc:||anchor="2021"]] [[2022>>doc:||anchor="2022"]] [[in press>>doc:BioMath.The Research Group of Biomathematics.Publications.Publications in press.WebHome]]
kisdi@helsinki_fi 1.1 4
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17 * Cai Y. 2022. **Evolutionary coexistence in a metacommunity: competition-colonization trade-off, ownership effects, and environmental fluctuations.** J. theor. Biol. 533: 110944.
18 * Fan R. & S. A. H. Geritz. 2022. **Modelling and optimising healthcare interventions in a model with explicit within- and between-host dynamics.** J. theor Biol. 554: 111276.
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29 * Berardo, C., Bulai, I.M., Venturino, E. 2021. **Interactions obtained from basic mechanistic principles: Prey herds and predators.** Mathematics 9: 2555.
30 * Berardo, C., Geritz, S. A. H. 2021. **Coevolution of the reckless prey and the patient predator.** J. theor. Biol. 530: 110873.
31 * Cai Y., Geritz, S. A. H. 2021. **The evolution of the irreversible transition from a free-swimming state to an immobile sessile state in aquatic invertebrates modelled in a chemostat.** J. theor. Biol. 522: 110681.
32 * Fan, R. & Geritz, S. A. H. 2021. **Virulence management: closing the feedback loop between healthcare interventions and virulence evolution.** J. theor. Biol. 531: 110900.\\
33 * Lehtinen S. O. 2021. **Ecological and evolutionary consequences of predator-prey role reversal: Allee effect and catastrophic predator extinction.** J. theor. Biol. 510: 110542.
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44 * Berardo, C., Geritz, S. A. H., Gyllenberg, M. & Raoul, G. 2020. **Interactions between different predator-prey states: a method for the derivation of the functional and numerical response, **J. Math. Biol.(% style="color: rgb(51,51,51);" %) 80: 2431-2468.
45 * (% style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51); color: rgb(51, 51, 51)" %)Cai, Y., Geritz, S. A. H. 2020. (%%)**Resident-invader dynamics of similar strategies in fluctuating environments.** J. Math. Biol. 81:(% style="color: rgb(102,102,102);" %) 907-959.
46 * Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Metz, J.A.J. 2020. **On models of physiologically structured populations and their reduction to ordinary differential equations.** J. Math. Biol. 80: 189-204.
47 * Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Metz, J.A.J. 2020. **Finite dimensional state representation of physiologically structured populations.** J. Math. Biol. 80: 205-273.
48 * Gyllenberg, M., Jiang, J. & Niu, L. 2020. **Chaotic attractors in the four-dimensional Leslie–Gower competition model.** Physica D 402: 132186.
49 * Gyllenberg, M., Jiang, J., Niu, L. & Yan, P. 2020. **Permanence and universal classification of discrete-time competitive systems via the carrying simplex.** Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 40: 1621-1663.
50 * Kisdi, É. 2020. **TPB and the invasion of Adaptive Dynamics.** Theor. Pop. Biol. 133: 52-55.
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52 Kisdi É. & Geritz S.A.H. 2020. **Correction to: Adaptive dynamics of saturated polymorphisms.** J. Math. Biol. 80: 955–957.
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54 * Kisdi, É., Weigang, H. C. & Gyllenberg, M. 2020. **The evolution of immigration strategies facilitates niche expansion by divergent adaptation in a structured metapopulation model.** Am. Nat. 195: 1-15.
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65 * Chen, L., Dong, Z., Jiang, J., Niu, L., & Zhai, J. 2019. **Decomposition formula and stationary measures for stochastic Lotka-Volterra system with applications to turbulent convection. **Journal de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquées 125: 43-93.
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67 (% style="color: black;" %)Daoxiang, Z. & Yan, P. 2019. **On the uniqueness of limit cycles in a generalized Lienard system.** Qualitative Theory Systems 18: 1191–1199.
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69 * Getto, P., Gyllenberg, M., Nakata, Y. & Scarabel, F. 2019. **Stability analysis of a state-dependent delay differential equation for cell maturation: analytical and numerical methods.** J. Math. Biol. 79:(% class="ArticleCitation_Pages" %)281–328(%%).\\
70 * Gyllenberg, M., Jiang, J. & Niu, L. 2019. **A note on global stability of three-dimensional Ricker models.** Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 25: 142-150.
71 * Gyllenberg, M., Jiang, J., Niu, L. & Yan, P. 2019. **On the dynamics of multi-species Ricker models admitting a carrying simplex.** Journal of Difference Equations and Applications 25: 1489-1530. 
72 * Karisto, P. & Kisdi, E. 2019. **Joint evolution of dispersal and connectivity**. Evolution 73: 2529–2537.
73 * Lehtinen, S. O. & Geritz, S. A. H. 2019.  (% class="title-text" %)**Cyclic prey evolution with cannibalistic predators**(%%). J. theor. Biol. 479: 1-13.
74 * Lehtinen, S. O. & Geritz, S. A. H. 2019. (% class="title-text" %)**Coevolution of cannibalistic predators and timid prey: Evolutionary cycling and branching**(%%). J. theor. Biol. 483: 110001.
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76 Mierczyński, J., Niu, L. & Ruiz-Herrera, A. 2019. **Linearization and invariant manifolds on the carrying simplex for competitive maps.** Journal of Differential Equations 267: 7385-7410.
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78 * Vitale, C. & Kisdi, É. 2019. **Evolutionary suicide of prey: Matsuda & Abrams' model revisited.** Bull. Math. Biol. 81: 4778-4802.
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89 * (% class="link person" %)Berardo, C.(%%), Bulai, I. M., Baptista, P., Gomez, T. & Venturino, E. 2018. **Modeling the endophytic fungus //Epicoccum nigrum// action to fight the “olive knot” disease caused by //Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi (psv)// bacteria in //Olea europaea L.// trees.** In: Mondaini, R. P. (ed.), Trends in Biomathematics: Modeling, Optimization and Computational Problems: Selected works from the BIOMAT Consortium Lectures, Moscow 2017.// // Springer International Publishing AG, (% class="volume" %)Vol. VII(%%), (% class="pages" %)p. (% class="numberofpages" %)189-207.
90 * (% class="numberofpages" %)Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M. & Metz, J.A.J. 2018. **Finite dimensional state representation of linear and nonlinear delay systems**. Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations 30: (% class="numberofpages ArticleCitation_Pages" %)1439–1467(% class="numberofpages" %).
92 * Geritz, S. A. H., Gyllenberg, M. & Toivonen, J. 2018. **Adaptive correlations between seed size and germination time**.** **J. Math. Biol. 77: 1943-1968.
93 * Gyllenberg, M., Jiang, J., Niu, L. & Yan, P. 2018. **On the classification of generalized competitive Atkinson-Allen models via the dynamics on the boundary of the carrying simplex**. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 38: 615-650.
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95 Gyllenberg, M., Scarabel, F. & Vermiglio R. 2018. **Equations with infinite delay: numerical bifurcation analysis via pseudospectral discretization.** Applied Mathematics and Computation 133: 490–505.
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97 * Lehtinen S. 2018. **Understanding the Venus flytrap through mathematical modelling.** J. theor. Biol. 444: 1-10.
98 * Niu, L. & Ruiz-Herrera, A. 2018. **Trivial dynamics in discrete-time systems: carrying simplex and translation arcs.** Nonlinearity 31: 2633–2650.
99 * Rybicki J., É. Kisdi & J. V. Anttila. **A model of bacterial toxin-dependent pathogenesis explains infective dose.** PNAS 115: 10690-10695; [[press release on>>url:||shape="rect"]]
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110 * Daoxiang Z.~,~, Sun G., Zhao L.  & Yan P. 2017. **Pattern formation and selection in a diffusive predator-prey system with ratio-dependent functional response**. Acta Ecologica Sinica 37: 290-297.
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112 Daoxiang Z. & Yan P.  2017. **Multiple limit cycles for the continuous model of the rock-scissors-paper game between bacteriocin producing bacteria**. Applied Mathematics and Computation, 295:136-140.
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114 * Daoxiang Z. & Yan P.  2017. **Uniqueness and hyperbolicity of limit cycles for autonomous planar systems with zero diagonal coefficient.** Applied Mathematics Letters 67: 75-80.
115 * Daoxiang Z. & Yan P.  2017. **On the Hardy-Carleman Inequality for a Negative Exponent**. Journal of Mathematical Inequalities 11: 885-890.
116 * Daoxiang Z. & Yan P.  2017. **Necessary and sufficient conditions for the nonexistence of limit cycles of Leslie-Gower Predator-Prey models.** Applied Mathematics Letters 71: 1-5.
117 * Gyllenberg, M., Hanski, I. & Lindström, T. 2017. **Conditional reproductive strategies under variable environmental conditions**. Annales Zoologici Fennici 54: 193-204.
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119 Jiang, J. & Niu, L. 2017. **On the validity of Zeeman's classification for three dimensional competitive differential equations with linearly determined nullclines.** Journal of Differential Equations 263: 7753-7781.
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121 * Karisto P. & Kisdi, É. 2017. **Evolution of dispersal under variable connectivity.** J. theor. Biol. 419: 52–65.
122 * Wei F., Geritz S. A. H., Cai, J. 2017. **A stochastic single-species population model with partial pollution tolerance in a polluted environment**. Applied Mathematics Letters, 63: 130-136.
123 * Weigang H. C. 2017. **Coevolution of patch-type dependent emigration and patch-type dependent immigration.** J. theor. Biol. 426: 140-151.
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136 Boldin B. & Kisdi, É. 2016. **Evolutionary suicide through a non-catastrophic bifurcation: Adaptive dynamics of pathogens with frequency-dependent transmission.** J. Math. Biol. 72: 1101-1124.
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140 Breda D., Diekmann O., Gyllenberg M., Scarabel F. & Vermiglio R. 2016. **Pseudospectral discretization of nonlinear delay equations: new prospects for numerical bifurcation analysis.** SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 15: 1-23.
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142 * Breda D., Diekmann O., Liessi D. & Scarabel F. 2016. **Numerical bifurcation analysis of a class of nonlinear renewal equations.** Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 65: 1-24.
143 * Cao, F., Gyllenberg, M. & Wang, Y. 2016. **Group actions on monotone skew-product semiflows with applications**. Journal of the European Mathematical Society 18: 195-223.
144 * Cote, J., Bocedi, G., Debeffe, L., Chdzinska M. E., __Weigang H. C.,__ Dytham C., Gonzalez G., Matthysen E., Travis J., Baguette M. & Hewison A. J. M. 2016.  **Behavioural synchronization of large-scale animal movements – disperse alone, but migrate together? **Biol. Rev. published online, DOI: 10.1111/brv.12279
145 * Dercole, F. & Geritz, S. A. H. 2016. **Unfolding the resident-invader dynamics of similar strategies.** J. theor. Biol. 394: 231-254.
146 * Geritz, S. A. H., Metz, J. A. J. & Rueffler, C. 2016.** Mutual invadability near evolutionarily singular strategies for multivariate traits, with special reference to the strongly convergence stable case**. J. Math. Biol. 72: 1081-1099.
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149 Gyllenberg, M., Kisdi, É. & Weigang, H. C. 2016.** On the evolution of patch-type dependent immigration.** J. theor. Biol. 395: 115-125.
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151 * Kisdi, É. 2016. **Dispersal polymorphism in stable habitats.** J. theor. Biol. 392: 69–82.
152 * Kisdi, É. & Geritz, S. A. H. 2016. **Adaptive dynamics of saturated polymorphisms.** J. Math. Biol. 72: 1039-1079.
153 * Liu J. & Wei, F. 2016. **Dynamics of stochastic SEIS epidemic model with varying population size**. Physica A 464: 241-250.
154 * Liu J., Wei F. & Geritz, S. A. H. 2016. **Effects of a toxicant on a single-species population with partial pollution tolerance in a polluted environment**. Annals of Applied Mathematics 32: 266-274.
155 * Metz, J. A. J. & Geritz, S. A. H. 2016. **Frequency dependence 3.0: an attempt at codifying the evolutionary ecology perspective. **J. Math. Biol. 72: 1011-1037.
156 * Wei F. & Chen, F. 2016. **Stochastic permanence of an SIQS epidemic model with saturated incidence and independent random perturbations**. Physica A 453: 99-107.
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169 * Fang, C., Gyllenberg, M. & Wang, Y. 2015. **Non-hyperbolic minimal sets for tridiagonal competitive-cooperative systems. **Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 143: 3063-3074, doi:10.1090/S0002-9939-2015-12536-1.
170 * Fortelius M., Geritz S. A. H., Gyllenberg M. & Toivonen J. 2015. **Adaptive dynamics on an environmental gradient that changes over a geological time-scale.** J. theor. Biol. 376: 91-104.
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172 Fortelius M., Geritz S., Gyllenberg M., Raia P. and J. Toivonen. **Modeling the population-level processes of biodiversity gain and loss at geological time scales.** Am. Nat. 186: 742-754.
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174 * Geritz, S. A. H. & Reynolds, A. 2015. **Tsallis distributions, Lévy walks and correlated-type anomalous diffusion result from state-dependent diffusion. **Physica A 424: 317-321.
175 * Kisdi, É. 2015. **Construction of multiple trade-offs to obtain arbitrary singularities of adaptive dynamics. **J. Math. Biol. 70: 1093–1117.
176 * Numminen, E., Chewapreecha, C., Turner, C., Goldblatt, D., Nosten, F., Bentley, S. D., Turner, P. & Corander, J. 2015. **Climate induces seasonality in pneumococcal transmission**. Scientific Reports 5: 11344.
177 * Priklopil, T., Kisdi, É. & Gyllenberg, M. 2015. **Evolutionarily stable mating decisions for sequentially searching females and the stability of reproductive isolation by assortative mating. **Evolution 69: 1015-1026.
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179 Turova, T. S. & Vallier, T. 2015. **Bootstrap percolation on a graph with random and local connections**. Journal of Statistical Physics 160: 1249-1276.
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181 * Weigang H. C. & Kisdi É. 2015. **Evolution of dispersal under a fecundity-dispersal trade-off. **J. theor. Biol. 371: 145–153.
182 * Zhang, L., Huang, G., Liu, A. & Fan, R. 2015. **Stability analysis for a fractional HIV Infection model with nonlinear incidence.** Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 563127.
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196 * Geritz, S. A. H. & Gyllenberg, M. 2014. **The DeAngelis–Beddington functional response and the evolution of timidity of the prey. **Journal of theoretical Biology 359: 37-44; doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2014.05.015.
197 * Numminen, E, , Chewapreecha, C., Siren, J., Turner, C., Turner, P., Bentley, S. D. & Corander, J. 2014. **Two-phase importance sampling for inference about transmission trees.** Proc. R. Soc. B 281: 20141324, doi:10.1098/rspb.2014.1324.
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211 * Aminoff, E.-I. & Gyllenberg, M. 2013. **A life in science and society - A bibliography of Helge Gyllenberg 1945-2013. **Unigrafia Oy, Helsinki.
212 * Fang, C., Gyllenberg, M. & Wang, Y. 2013. **Floquet bundles for tridiagonal competitive-cooperative systems and the dynamics of time-recurrent systems. **SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 45: 2477-2498.
213 * Geritz, S. A. H. & Gyllenberg, M. 2013. **Group defence and the predator's functional response. **Journal of Mathematical Biology 66: 705–717; doi:10.1007/s00285-012-0617-7.
214 * Geritz S. A. H., Kisdi, É & Klausmeier, C. A. 2013. **Introduction to Special issue: Peter Abrams Honor. **J. theor. Biol. 339: 1-2.
215 * Gyllenberg, M. 2013. **In honour of Odo Diekmann on the occasion of his 65th birthday. **Journal of Mathematical Biology 66: 631-634; doi:10.1007/s00285-013-0641-2.
216 * Kisdi, É. & Boldin B. 2013. **A construction method to study the role of incidence in the adaptive dynamics of pathogens with direct and environmental transmission. **Journal of Mathematical Biology 66: 1021–1044; doi:10.1007/s00285-012-0563-4.
217 * Kisdi, É., Geritz, S. A. H. & Boldin, B. 2013. **Evolution of pathogen virulence under selective predation: A construction method to find eco-evolutionary cycles. **J. theor. Biol. 339: 140-150.
218 * Numminen, E., Cheng, L., Gyllenberg, M. & Corander, J. 2013. **Estimating the transmission dynamics of Streptococcus pneumoniae from strain prevalence data. **Biometrics 69: 748–757. DOI: 10.1111/biom.12040.
219 * Sunnåker M., Busetto, A. G., Numminen E., Corander J., Foll M. & Dessimoz C. 2013. **Approximate Bayesian Computation. **PLoS Comput Biol 9(1): e1002803. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1002803.
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233 * Barabas, G., Pigolotti, S., Gyllenberg, M., Dieckmann, U. & amp; Meszena, G. 2012. **Continuous coexistence or discrete species? A new review of an old question.** Evolutionary Ecology Research 14: 523-554.
234 * Boldin B. & Kisdi, É. 2012. **On the evolutionary dynamics of pathogens with direct and environmental transmission.** Evolution 66: 2514-2527; doi:10.1111/j.1558-5646.2012.01613.x.
235 * Diekmann, O. & Gyllenberg, M. 2012. **Equations with infinite delay: blending the abstract and the concrete. **Journal of Differential Equations 252: 819-851; doi:10.1016/j.jde.2011.09.038.
236 * Fang C., Huang, W. Yi, Y. & Zhang, P. 2012. **Dimension of stable sets and scrambled sets in positive finite entropy systems.** Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 32: 599-628; doi:10.1017/S0143385710000982.
237 * Geritz, S. A. H. & Gyllenberg, M. 2012. **A mechanistic derivation of the DeAngelis–Beddington functional response. **Journal of theoretical Biology 314: 106–108; doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2012.08.030.
238 * Geritz, S. A. H. & Kisdi, É. 2012. **Mathematical ecology: Why mechanistic models? **Journal of Mathematical Biology (Perspectives in Mathematical Biology) 65:1411-1415.
239 * Gyllenberg, M., Liu, X. & Yan, P. 2012. **An eco-epidemiological model in two competing species. **Differential Equations and Applications, 4: 495-519.
240 * Gyllenberg, M., Pasic, M. & Rakotoson, J-M. 2012. **In honor of Professor Jesus Ildefonso Diaz on the occasion of his 60th birthday. **Differential Equations and Applications, 4: 1-2.
241 * Janson, S., Luczak, T., Turova, T. & Vallier, T. 2012. **Bootstrap percolation on the random graph G(n,p). **Annals of Applied Probability 22: 1989-2047.
242 * Karonen, I. 2012. **Stable trimorphic coexistence in a lattice model of spatial competition with two site types. **Journal of theoretical Biology 295: 77-85; doi:10.1016/j.jtbi.2011.10.022.
243 * Kisdi, E. 2012. **Year-class coexistence in biennial plants. **Theoretical Population Biology 82: 18-21; doi:10.1016/j.tpb.2012.03.003.
244 * Kisdi, É., Utz, M. & Gyllenberg, M. 2012. **Evolution of condition-dependent dispersal. **In: Clobert, J., Baguette, M., Benton, T. and Bullock, J. (eds.): Dispersal Ecology and Evolution, Oxford University Press, pp. 139-151.
245 * Norvaisas, P. & Kisdi, É. 2012. **Revisiting Santa Rosalia to unfold a degeneracy of classic models of speciation. **The American Naturalist 180: 388-393; doi:10.1086/667215.
246 * Priklopil, T. 2012. **On invasion boundaries and the unprotected coexistence of two strategies. **Journal of Mathematical Biology 64: 1137-1156; doi:10.1007/s00285-011-0448-y.
247 * Priklopil, T. 2012. **Chaotic dynamics of allele frequencies in condition-dependent mating systems. **Theoretical Population Biology 82: 109–116; doi:10.1016/j.tpb.2012.06.001.
248 * Service, R. 2012. **A Ramsey theorem with an application to sequences in Banach spaces. **Canadian Mathematical Bulletin 55: 410-417; doi:10.4153/CMB-2011-073-5.
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262 * Cao, F., Gyllenberg, M. & Wang, Yi. 2011. **Asymptotic behavior of comparable skew-product semiflows with applications.** Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society 103: 271-293.
263 * Eskola, H., Geritz, S. & Gyllenberg, M. 2011. **On the evolution of the timing of reproduction with non-equilibrium resident dynamics.** Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 73: 1312-1332.
264 * Gyllenberg, M., Kisdi, E. & Utz M. 2011. **Variability within families and the evolution of body condition dependent dispersal. **J. Biol. Dyn. 5: 191-211.
265 * Gyllenberg, M., Kisdi, E. & Utz, M. 2011. **Body condition dependent dispersal in a heterogeneous environment. **Theor. Pop. Biol. 79: 139-154.
266 * Gyllenberg, M., Metz, J. A. J. & Service, R. 2011. **When do optimisation arguments make evolutionary sense? **In: Chalub, F.A.C. and Rodrigues, J.R. (eds.): The Mathematics of Darwins Legacy, Birkhäuser, Springer Basel, pp. 233 - 268.
267 * Gyllenberg, M. & Service, R. 2011. **Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of an optimisation principle in evolution. **Journal of Mathematical Biology 62: 359-369.
268 * Holt, R. D., Barfield, M., Filin, I. & Forde, S. 2011. **Predation and the evolutionary dynamics of species ranges. **The American Naturalist 178: 488-500.
269 * Kisdi, É & Priklopil, T. 2011. **Evolutionary branching of a magic trait. **Journal of Mathematical Biology 63: 361-397.
270 * Lv X., S. P. Lu & P. Yan. 2011. **Periodic solutions of non-autonomous ordinary p-Laplacian systems. **J. Appl. Math. Comput. 35: 11–18.
271 * Wang, W. & Yang, X. 2011. **Multiple solutions of boundary value problems for impulsive differential equations. **Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 34: 1649–1657.
272 * Wang, Z., Huang, L. & Yang, X. 2011. **H_infinity performance for a class of uncertain stochastic nonlinear Markovian jump systems with time-varying delay via adaptive control method. **Applied Mathematical Modelling 35: 1983-1993.
273 * Yang, X., Wang, W. & Shen, J. 2011. **Permanence of a logistic type impulsive equation with infinite delay. **Applied Mathematics Letters 24: 420-427.
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287 Alizon, S. & Boldin, B. 2010. **Within-host viral evolution in a heterogeneous environment: insights into the HIV co-receptor switch. **Journal of Evolutionary Biology 23: 2625–2635.
289 Best, A., White, A., Kisdi, E., Antonovics, J., Brockhurst, M. A. & Boots, M. 2010. **The evolution of host-parasite range. **The American Naturalist 176: 63-71.
291 Corander, J., Gyllenberg, M. and Koski, T. 2010. **Learning genetic population structures using minimization of stochastic complexity.** Entropy 12: 1102-1124.
293 Diekmann O., Gyllenberg, M., Metz, J. A. J., Nakaoka S. & de Roos, A. 2010. ** //Daphnia// revisited: Local stability and bifurcation theory for physiologically structured population models explained by way of an example. **Journal of Mathematical Biology 61: 277-318.
295 Filin I. 2010. **Target size and optimal life history when individual growth and energy budget are stochastic. **Journal of theoretical Biology 264: 510-516.
297 Kisdi, É. 2010. **Costly dispersal can destabilize the homogeneous equilibrium of a metapopulation. **J. theor. Biol. 262: 279-283.
299 Kisdi, É & Geritz, S. A. H. 2010. **Adaptive dynamics: A framework to model evolution in the ecological theatre. **J. Math. Biol. (Perspectives in Mathematical Biology) 61: 165-169.
301 Lv X., P. Yan & S. P. Lu. 2010. **Existence and global attractivity of positive periodic solutions of competitor-competitor-mutualist Lotka-Volterra systems with deviating arguments. **Mathematical and Computer Modelling 51: 823–832.
303 Lv X., S. P. Lu & P. Yan. 2010. **Existence of homoclinic solutions for a class of second-order Hamiltonian systems. **Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 72: 390–398.
305 Lv X., S. P. Lu & P. Yan. 2010. **Existence and global attractivity of positive periodic solutions of Lotka-Volterra predator-prey systems with deviating arguments. **Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 11: 574–583.
307 Lv, X., P. Yan & D. Liu. 2010. **Anti-periodic solutions for a class of nonlinear second-order Rayleigh equations with delays. **Commun. Nonlinear Sci. Numer. Simul. 15: 3593–3598.
309 Lv, X., S. P. Lu & P. Yan. 2010. **Homoclinic solutions for nonautonomous second-order Hamiltonian systems with a coercive potential. **Nonlinear Anal. 72: 3484–3490.
311 Service R. 2010. **An easier extra head scheme for the Poisson process on R^n. **Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 138: 3703-3705.
313 Tal O., E. Kisdi & E. Jablonka. 2010. **Epigenetic contribution to covariance between relatives. **Genetics 184: 1037-1050.
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327 Boldin, B. 2009. **On the evolutionary dynamics of virulence. **Proceedings of the 3rd Nordic EWM Summer Scool for PhD students in Mathematics. TUCS general publication 53, Turku (Turku Centre for Computer Science), pp. 43-60, ISSN 1239-1905.
329 Boldin, B., Geritz, S. A. H. & Kisdi, E. 2009. **Superinfections and adaptive dynamics of pathogen virulence revisited: A critical function analysis. **Evol. Ecol. Res. 11: 153-175.
331 Corander J., Gyllenberg, M. & Koski, T. 2009. **Bayesian unsupervised classification framework based on stochastic partitions of data and a parallel search strategy. **Advances in Data Analysis and Classification 3: 217-243.
333 Eskola, H. 2009. **On the evolution of the timing of reproduction. **Theor. Pop. Biol. 75: 98-108.
335 Filin, I. 2009. **A diffusion-based approach to stochastic individual growth and energy budget, with consequences to life-history optimization and population dynamics. **Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22: 1252-1267.
337 Geritz, S. A. H., Gyllenberg, M. & Ondracek, P. 2009. **Evolution of density-dependent dispersal in a structured metapopulation. **Mathematical Biosciences 219: 142-148.
339 Gyllenberg, M. 2009. **Equations with infinite delay.** Oberwolfach Reports 6: 1350-1352.
341 Gyllenberg, M. 2009. **Everyday mathematics (in Swedish: Vardagsmatematik).** Yliopisto No 2: 37.
343 Gyllenberg, M. 2009. **The blackboard ~-~- and the smartboard (in Swedish: Svarta tavlan ~-~- och den smarta).** Yliopisto No 9: 54.
345 Gyllenberg, M. 2009. **The herbarium contains much more than plants (in Swedish: Herbariet rymmer inte bara växter).** Archimedes No 4: 31.
347 Gyllenberg, M., Preoteasa, D. & Yan, P. 2009. **Ecology and evolution of symbiosis in metapopulations. **Journal of Biological Dynamics 3: 39-57.
349 Gyllenberg, M. & Yan, P. 2009. **On the number of limit cycles for three dimensional Lotka-Volterra systems. **Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - B 11: 347-352.
351 Gyllenberg, M. & Yan, P. 2009. **New conditions for the intersection of orbits with the vertical isocline of the Liénard system. **Mathematical and Computer Modelling 49: 906-911.
353 Gyllenberg, M. & Yan, P. 2009. **Four limit cycles for a three-dimensional competitive Lotka-Volterra system with a heteroclinic cycle. **Computers and Mathematics with Applications 58: 649-669.
355 Gyllenberg, M. & Yan, P. 2009. **On a conjecture for three-dimensional competitive Lotka-Volterra systems with a heteroclinic cycle. **Differential Equations and Applications 1: 473-490.
357 Jiang J., Mierczynski J. & Wang, Y. 2009. **Smoothness of the carrying simplex for discrete-time competitive dynamical systems: A characterization of neat embedding. **J. Differential Equations 246: 1623-1672.
359 Scharf, I., Filin, I. & Ovadia, O. 2009. **A trade-off between growth and starvation endurance in a pit-building antlion. **Oecologia 160: 453-460.
361 Scharf, I., Filin I., Subach A. & Ovadia O. 2009. **A morphological and life history comparison between desert populations of a sit-and-pursue antlion, in reference to a co-occurring pit-building antlion.**Naturwissenschaften 96: 1147-1156.
363 Svennungsen, T. O. & Kisdi, É. 2009. **Evolutionary branching of virulence in a single infection model. **J. theor. Biol. 257: 408-418.
365 Wang, Y. & Zheng, C. 2009. **Normal and slow growth states of microbial populations in essential resource-based chemostat. **Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. B. 12: 227-250.
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379 Diekmann, O., & Gyllenberg, M. 2008. **The second half - with a quarter of a century delay. **Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena 3: 36-48.
381 Diekmann, O., Wang, Y. & Yan, P. 2008. **Carrying simplices in discrete competitive systems and age-structured semelparous populations. **Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. 20: 37-52.
383 Boldin, B. 2008. **Persistence and spread of gastro-intestinal infections: the case of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in piglets. **Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 70: 2077-2101.
385 Gyllenberg, M. 2008. **Evolutionary suicide. **ERCIM News 73: 18.
387 Gyllenberg, M. 2008. **Free access - for everyone **(in Swedish: Fri tillgång - för alla). Yliopisto No. 3, 57.
389 Gyllenberg, M. 2008. **Names, too, can be translated **(in Swedish: Också namn kan översättas). Arkhimedes No. 2, 35.
391 Gyllenberg, M. 2008. **Rolls and biographies **(in Swedish: Matriklar och biografier). Arkhimedes No. 4, 35.
393 Gyllenberg, M. 2008. **A letter means so much... **(in Swedish: Ett brev betyder så mycket...). Arkhimedes No. 6, 35.
395 Gyllenberg, M., Kisdi, É & Utz, M. 2008. **Evolution of condition-dependent dispersal under kin competition. **Journal of Mathematical Biology 57: 285-307.
397 Gyllenberg, M. & Silvestrov, D. S. 2008. **Quasi-stationary phenomena in nonlinearly perturbed stochastic systems. **Walter de Gruyter, Berlin - New York, 2008. 579+ix pages.
399 Nurmi, T., Geritz, S., Parvinen, K. & Gyllenberg, M. 2008. **Evolution of specialization in resource utilization in structured metapopulations. **Journal of Biological Dynamics 2: 297-322.
401 Shen, W. & Wang, Y. 2008. **Carrying simplices in nonautonomous and random competitive Kolmogorov systems. **J. Differential Equations 245: 1-29.
403 Virkki, A., Polo, O., Saaresranta, T., Laapotti-Salo, A., Gyllenberg, M., & Aittokallio, T. 2008. **Overnight features of transcutaneous carbon dioxide measurement as predictors of individual metabolic status.**Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 42: 55-65.
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417 Aittokallio, T., Gyllenberg, M., Polo, O. & Virkki, A. 2007. **Parameter estimation of a gas exchange model from non-invasive carbon dioxide measurements during sleep. **Mathematical Medicine and Biology 24: 225-249.
419 Corander, J., Gyllenberg, M. & Koski, T. 2007. **Random partition models and exchangeability for Bayesian identication of population structure. **Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 69: 797-815.
421 Diekmann, O., Getto, Ph. & Gyllenberg, M. 2007. **Stability and bifurcation analysis of Volterra functional equations in the light of suns and stars. **SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis 39: 1023-1069.
423 Diekmann, O. & Gyllenberg, M. 2007. **Abstract delay equations inspired by population dynamics. **In: H. Amann, W. Arendt, M. Hieber, F. Neubrander, S. Nicaise, J. von Below (eds.): Functional Analysis and Evolution Equations, Birkhäuser, pp. 187-200.
425 Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M. & Metz, J.A.J. 2007. **Physiologically structured population models: Towards a general mathematical theory. **In: Y. Takeuchi, Y. Iwasa, K. Sato (eds.): Mathemathics for Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Springer Verlag, pp. 5-20.
427 Eskola, T. M. & Geritz, S. A. H. 2007. **On the derivation of discrete-time population models by varying within-season patterns of reproduction and aggression. **Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 69: 329–346.
429 Fagerholm, H., Gyllenberg, M. & Högnäs, G. 2007. **Competition and invasion in stochastic population models. **Abo Akademi, Reports on Computer Science & Mathematics, Ser. A, No 191.
431 Geritz, S. A. H., Kisdi, É. & Yan, P. 2007. **Evolutionary branching and long-term coexistence of cycling predators: Critical function analysis. **Theoretical Population Biology 71: 424-435.
433 Gyllenberg, M. 2007. **Mathematical aspects of physiologically structured populations: The contributions of J.A.J. Metz. **Journal of Biological Dynamics 1: 3-44.
435 Gyllenberg, M. 2007. **The most mathematical language in the world **(in Swedish: Världens matematiskaste språk). Arkhimedes 2: 35.
437 Gyllenberg, M. 2007. **Success stories in biomathematics **(in Finnish: Biomatematiikan menestystarinoita) Arkhimedes 3: 26-28.
439 Gyllenberg, M. 2007. **Where do we put the limit? **(in Swedish: Var skall man dra gränsen?) Arkhimedes 4: 31.
441 Gyllenberg, M. 2007. **Does modelling of complex biological systems require new types of mathematics? **In: R. van Driel (ed.): Systems Biology: a Grand Challenge for Europe, European Science Foundation, IREG, Strasbourg, pp. 16-19.
443 Kisdi, É. 2007. **No direct selection to increase offspring number of bet-hedging strategies in large populations: Simons' model revisited. **Journal of Evolutionary Biology 20: 2072-2074.
445 Kisdi, É. & B. Oborny. 2007. **Spatial ecology: habitat loss and fragmentation **In: E. Pásztor & B. Oborny (eds): Ecology, Nemzeti Tankönyvkiadó Rt., Budapest, pp. 312-332. In Hungarian
447 Liu, X. & Xiao, D. 2007. **Complex dynamic behaviors of a discrete-time predator-prey system. **Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 32: 80-94.
449 Utz, M., Kisdi, É & Doebeli, M. 2007. **Quasi-local competition in stage-structured metapopulations: A new mechanism of pattern formation. **Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 69:1649-1672.
451 Simeonov, I., Noykova, N. & Gyllenberg, M. 2007. **Identification and extremum seeking control of the anaerobic digestion of organic wastes. **Cybernetics and Information Technologies 7: 73-84.
453 Virkki, A., Polo, Gyllenberg, M. & Aittokallio, T. 2007. **Can carotoid body perfusion act as a respiratory controller? **Journal of Theoretical Biology 249: 737-748.
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467 Aittokallio, T., Gyllenberg, M., Polo, O., Toivonen, J. & Virkki, A. 2006. **Model-based analysis of mechanisms responsible for sleep-induced carbon dioxide differences. **Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 68: 315-341.
469 Corander, J., Gyllenberg, M. & Koski, T. 2006. **Bayesian model learning based on parallel MCMC strategy. **Statistics and Computing, 16: 355-362.
471 Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M. & Metz, J. A. J. 2006. **Physiologically structured population models: Towards a general mathematical theory. **In: Y. Takeuchi, Y. Iwasa & K. Sato (eds.): Mathemathics for Ecology and Environmental Sciences, Springer, Berlin-Heidelberg, pp. 5-20.
473 Geritz, S. A. H., Gyllenberg, M. & Yan, P. 2006. **Plant growth and the optimal sharing of photosynthetic products with a mycorrhizal symbiont. **Evolutionary Ecology Research 8:577-590.
475 Gyllenberg, M. 2006. **Stability and bifurcation analysis of models of physiologically structured populations. **Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut Oberwolfach Report 24: 66-68.
477 Gyllenberg, M., Lant, T. & Thieme, H. 2006. **Perturbing evolutionary systems on dual spaces by cumulative outputs. **Differential and Integral Equations 19: 401-436.
479 Gyllenberg, M., Yan, P. & Wang, Y. 2006. **A 3D competitive Lotka-Volterra system with three limit cycles: a falsification of a conjecture by Hofbauer and So. **Appl. Math. Lett. 19: 1-7.
481 Gyllenberg M., Yan, P. & Wang, Y. 2006. **Limit cycles for competitor-competitor-mutualist Lotka-Volterra systems. **Physica D 221: 135-145.
483 Kisdi, É. 2006. **Trade-off geometries and the adaptive dynamics of two co-evolving species. **Evolutionary Ecology Research 8: 959-973.
485 Kisdi, É. & Liu, S. 2006. **Evolution of handling time can destroy the coexistence of cycling predators. **Journal of evolutionary Biology 19: 49-58.
487 Liu, X. & Xiao, D. 2006. **Bifurcations in a discrete Lotka-Volterra predator-prey system. **Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems ser. B 6:559-572.
489 Meszéna, G., Gyllenberg, M., Pásztor, L. & Metz, J. A. J. 2006. **Competitive exclusion and limiting similarity: A unified theory. **Theoretical Population Biology 69: 68-87.
491 Yan, P. & Gyllenberg, M. 2006. **On a conjecture of Qi-type integral inequalities. **Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics vol. 7 (4), Article 146.
493 Yan, P. & Gyllenberg, M. 2006. **On an open problem of integral inequalities. **Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics vol. 7 (5), Article 170.
495 Yan, P. & Liu, S. 2006. **SEIR epidemic model with delay. **Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society, Series B - Applied Mathematics 48: 119-134.
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509 Dawyndt, P., Thompson, F. L., Austin, B., Swings, J., Koski, T. & Gyllenberg, M. 2005. **Application of sliding window discretization and minimization of stochastic complexity for the analysisi of FAFLP genotyping fingerprint patterns of Vibrionaceae. **International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 55: 57-66.
511 Geritz, S. A. H. 2005. **Resident-invader dynamics and the coexistence of similar strategies. **Journal of Mathematical Biology 50: 67-82.
513 Geritz, S. A. H. & Gyllenberg, M. 2005. **Seven answers from adaptive dynamics. **Journal of evolutionary Biology 18: 1174-1177.
515 Gyllenberg, M. 2005. **Review of "Mathematics in population biology" by Horst R. Thieme. **Matematical Biosciences 193: 13-18.
517 Gyllenberg, M. 2005. **Review of "Differential equations and mathematical biology" by D.S. Jones and B.D. Sleeman. **Matematical Biosciences 193: 19-24.
519 Gyllenberg, M. 2005. **Metapopulations. **In: P. Haccou and P. Jagers (Eds.): Branching Processes in Biology: Variation, Growth, Extinction. Cambridge University Press, pp. 249-265.
521 Gyllenberg, M. & Jagers, P. 2005. **Branching processes and structured population dynamics. **In: P. Haccou and P. Jagers (Eds.): Branching Processes in Biology: Variation, Growth, Extinction. Cambridge University Press, pp. 94-106.
523 Gyllenberg, M. & Meszéna, G. 2005. **On the impossibility of coexistence of infinitely many strategies. **Journal of Mathematical Biology, 50: 133-160.
525 Gyllenberg, M. & Wang, Y. 2005. **Periodic tridiagonal systems modeling competitive-cooperative ecological interactions. **Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-A, 5: 511-521.
527 Kisdi, E. & Gyllenberg, M. 2005. **Adaptive dynamics and the paradigm of diversity. **Journal of evolutionary Biology 18: 1170-1173.
529 Kisdi, E. & Utz, M. 2005. **Does quasi-local competition lead to pattern formation in metapopulations? An explicit resource competition model. **Theoretical Population Biology 68: 133-145.
531 Meszéna, G., Gyllenberg, M., Jacobs, F. J. & Metz, J. A. J. 2005. **Link between population dynamics and dynamics of Darwinian evolution** Physical Review Letters 95, 078105.
533 Rantanen, V-V., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T. & Johnson, M.S. 2005. **A priori contact preferences in molecular recognition. **Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 3: 861-890.
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547 Austin, B., Dawyndt, P., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., Lund, T., Swings, J., Thompson, F.L. 2004. **Sliding window discretization: A new method for multiple band matching of bacterial genotyping fingerprints.**Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 66: 1575-1596.
549 Geritz, S. A. H. & É. Kisdi. 2004. **On the mechanistic underpinning of discrete-time population models with complex dynamics. **Journal of theoretical Biology 228: 261-269.
551 Geritz, S. A. H., Kisdi, É., Meszéna, G. & Metz, J. A. J. 2004. **Adaptive dynamics of speciation: Ecological underpinnings. **In: U. Dieckmann, M. Doebeli, J.A.J. Metz & D. Tautz (Eds.) Adaptive speciation, Cambridge University Press, pp. 54-75.
553 Gyllenberg, M., Hanski, I. & Metz, J. A. J. 2004. **Spatial dimensions of population viability. **In: R. Ferrière, U. Dieckmann and D. Couvet (Eds.) Evolutionary Conservation Biology, Cambridge University Press, pp. 59-80.
555 Gyllenberg, M. & Wang Y. 2004. **Dynamics of the periodic type-K competitive Kolmogorov systems. **Journal of Differential Equations 205: 50-76.
557 Gyllenberg, M., Wang, Y. & Jiang, J. 2004. **Asymptotic spatial homogeneity in a class of periodic quasimonotone reaction-diffusion systems with a first integral. **Nonlinear Analysis 59: 235-244.
559 Gyllenberg, M., Yan, P. & Jiang, J. 2004. **The qualitative behavior of a second order system with zero diagonal coefficient. **Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 291: 322-340.
561 Kisdi, É. 2004. **Conditional dispersal under kin competition: Extension of the Hamilton-May model to brood size-dependent dispersal. **Theoretical Population Biology 66: 369-380.
563 Kisdi, É. 2004. **Optimal body size, density-dependent selection gradients, and phenotypic variance under asymmetric competition. **Ecology 85: 1460-1467.
565 Kisdi, É. & Gyllenberg, M. 2004. **On some misconceptions about adaptive dynamics. ** [[TUCS Technical Report 624.>>url:||shape="rect"]]
567 Lehtonen, J. V., Still, D-J., Rantanen, V-V., Ekholm, J., Björklund, D., Iftikhar, Z., Huhtala, M., Jussila, A., Jaakkola, J., Pentikäinen, O., Nyrönen, T., Salminen, T., Gyllenberg, M., % Johnson, M. S. 2004. **BODIL: A molecular modeling environment for structure-function analysis and drug discovery. **Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 18: 401-419.
569 Noykova, N. & Koprinkova, P. 2004. **Two approaches for modeling of microbial population dynamics: an example of anaerobic wastewater treatment. **Journal of Ecological Engineering and Environmental Protection 3: 59-66.
571 Simeonov, I., Noykova, N. & Stoyanov, S. 2004. **Modelling and extremum seeking control of the anaerobic digestion. **IFAC Workshop DECOM-TT, Bansko, Bulgaria, Oct. 3-5 2004, pp 289-294.
573 Yan, P. & Jiang, J. 2004. **Periodic solutions of general autonomous system of Lienard Type. **Applicable Analysis 83(7): 735-746.
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587 Aittokallio, T., Gyllenberg, M., Saaresranta, T., & Polo, O. 2003. **Prediction of inspiratory flow shapes during sleep with a mathematical model of upper airway forces. **SLEEP 26: 857-63.
589 Bowers, R. G., White, A., Boots, M., Geritz, S. A. H. & Kisdi, É. 2003. **Evolutionary branching/speciation: Contrasting results from systems with explicit or emergent carrying capacities. **Evol. Ecol. Res. 5: 883-891.
591 Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M. & Metz, J. A. J. 2003. **Steady state analysis of structured population models. **Theoretical Population Biology 63: 309-338.
593 Gál, R. I. & Geritz, S. A. H. 2003. **A theory of endogenous preference adaptation. **(Hungarian) In: R. I. Gál & Z. Szántó (Eds.): "Theory of action and social research", Közgazdasági Szemle Alapítvány, Budapest, pp. 48-68.
595 Gyllenberg, M., Carlsson, J. & Koski, T. 2003. **Bayesian Network Classification of Binarized DNA Fingerprinting Patterns. **In: V. Capasso (Ed.): Mathematical Modelling and Computing in Biology and Medicine, Progetto Leonardo, Bologna, pp. 60-66.
597 Gyllenberg, M., Jacobs, F. J. A. & Metz, J. A. J. 2003. **On the Concept of Attractor for Community-Dynamical Processes. II: The Case of Structured Populations **Journal of Mathematical Biology 47: 235-248.
599 Gyllenberg, M., Osipov, A. & Päivärinta, L. 2003. **On determining individual behaviour from population data. **In: D. Haroske, T. Runst and H.-J. Schmeisser (Eds.): Function Spaces, Differential Operators, Nonlinear Analysis. The Hans Triebel Anniversary Volume. Birkhäuser, Basel, pp. 329-339.
601 Kisdi É. 2003. **Reinforcement with multiple mating. **TREE 18: 165-166.
603 Kisdi, É. & Geritz, S. A. H. 2003. **On the coexistence of perennial plants by the competition-colonization trade-off. **Am. Nat. 161: 350-354.
605 Kisdi, É. & Geritz, S. A. H. 2003. **Competition-colonization trade-off between perennial plants: Exclusion of the rare species, hysteresis effects, and the robustness of coexistence under replacement competition. **Evol. Ecol. Res. 5: 529-548.
607 Parvinen, K., Dieckmann, U., Gyllenberg, M., & Metz, J. A. J. 2003. **Evolution of dispersal in metapopulations with local density dependence and demographic stochasticity **Journal of Evolutionary Biology 16: 143-153.
609 Rantanen, V-V., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., & Johnson, M. S. 2003. **A Bayesian molecular interaction library.** Journal of Computer-Aided Molecular Design 17: 435-461.
611 Wang, Y. & Zhao, X. 2003. **Convergence in monotone and subhomogenous discrete dynamical systems on product Banach spaces. **Bull. London Math. Soc. 35: 681-688.
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625 Aittokallio, T., Gyllenberg, M. & Polo, O. 2002. **Adjustment of human respiratory system to increased upper airway resistance during sleep. **Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 64: 3-28.
627 Geritz, S. A. H., Gyllenberg, M., Jacobs, F. J. A. & Parvinen, K. 2002. **Invasion dynamics and attractor inheritance. **Journal of Mathematical Biology 44: 548-560.
629 Gyllenberg, M. & Koski, T. 2002. **Bayesian predictiveness, exchangeability and sufficientness in bacterial taxonomy. **Mathematical Biosciences 177-178: 161-184.
631 Gyllenberg, M. & Koski, T. 2002. **Tree augmented classification of binary data minimizing stochastic complexity. **University of Linköping, LiTH-MAT-R-2002-04.
633 Gyllenberg, M. Koski, T., Dawyndt, P., Lund, T., Thompson, F., Austin, B. & Swings,J. 2002. **New methods for the analysis of binarized BIOLOG GN data of Vibrio species: Minimization of stochastic complexity and cumulative classification. **Systematic and Applied Microbiology 25: 403-415.
635 Gyllenberg, M., Osipov, A. & Päivärinta, L. 2002. **The inverse problem of age-structured population dynamics. **Journal of Evolution Equations 2: 223-239.
637 Gyllenberg, M., Parvinen, K. & Dieckmann, U. 2002. **Evolutionary suicide and evolution of dispersal in structured metapopulations. **Journal of Mathematical Biology 45: 79-105.
639 Gyllenberg, M., Preoteasa, D. & Saikkonen, K. 2002. **Vertically transmitted symbionts in structured host metapopulations. **Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 64: 959-978.
641 Gyllenberg, M. & Yan Ping. 2002. **The Generalized Liénard Systems. **Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Series A, 8: 1043-1057.
643 Gyllenberg, M. & Wang, Y. 2002. **Dynamics of the periodic type-K competitive Kolmogorov systems. ** [[TUCS Technical Report 492.>>url:||shape="rect"]]
645 Kisdi, É. 2002. **Dispersal: Risk spreading versus local adaptation. **The American Naturalist 159: 579-596.
647 Mathias, A. & Kisdi, É. 2002. **Adaptive diversification of germination strategies. **Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 269: 151-156.
649 Matter, S.F., Hanski, I. & Gyllenberg, M. 2002. **A test of the metapopulation model of the species-area relationship. **J. Biogeogr. 29: 977-983.
651 Müller, T. G., Noykva, N., Gyllenberg, M. & Timmer, J. 2002. **Parameter identification in a dynamical model of anaerobic waste water treatment. **Mathematical Biosciences 177-178: 147-160.
653 Noykova, N., Müller, T. G., Gyllenberg, M. & Timmer, J. 2002. **Qualitative analyses of anaerobic wastewater treatment processes: identifiability and parameter estimation. **Biotechnology and Bioengineering 78: 89-103.
655 Rantanen, V-V., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T. & Johnson, M. S. 2002. **A dissimilarity matrix between protein atom classes based on Gaussian mixtures. **Bioinformatics 18: 1257-1263.
657 Saikkonen, K., Ion, D. & Gyllenberg, M. 2002. **The persistence of fungal endophytes in grass metapopulations. **Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B., 269: 1397-1403.
659 Wang, Y. 2002. **Convergence to periodic solutions in periodic quasimonotone reaction-diffusion systems. **J. Math. Anal. Appl. 268(1): 25-40.
661 Wang, Y. & Jiang, J. 2002. **The long-run behavior of periodic competitive Kolmogorov systems. **Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 3: 471-485.
663 Wang, Y. & Jiang, J. 2002. **Uniqueness and attractivity of the carrying simplex for discrete-time competitive dynamical systems. **J. Differential Equations 186(2): 611-632.
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677 Aittokallio, T., Gyllenberg, M., Nevalainen, O. & Polo, O. 2001. **Testing for periodicity in signals: an application to detect partial upper airway obstruction during sleep. **Journal of Theoretical Medicine 3: 231-245.
679 Aittokallio, T., Gyllenberg, M. & Polo, O. 2001. **A model of a snorer's upper airway. **Mathematical Biosciences 170: 79-90.
681 Alvarez, L. H. R., Gyllenberg, M. & Shepp, L. A. 2001. **Optimal harvesting in the presence of density dependent extinction probabilities. ** [[TUCS Technical Report 431.>>url:||shape="rect"]]
683 De Jong, T. J. & S. A. H. Geritz. 2001. **The role of geitonogamy in the gradual evolution towards dioecy in cosexual plants. **Selection 2: 133-146. [[PDF>>url:||shape="rect"]] (Courtesy of Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest)
685 Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Huang, H., Kirkilionis, M., Metz, J. A. J. & Thieme, H. R. 2001. **On the formulation and analysis of general deterministic structured population models. II. Nonlinear theory.**Journal of Mathematical Biology 43: 157-189.
687 Gyllenberg, H. G., Gyllenberg, M. & Koski, T. 2001. **Sense in microbial taxonomy: Minimization of stochastic complexity as an objective taxonomic tool. **In: S. G. Pandalai (Ed.): Recent Research Developments in Microbiology, 5, Research Signpost, pp. 211-221.
689 Gyllenberg, M. & Koski, T. 2001. **Probabilistic models for bacterial taxonomy. **International Statistical Review 69: 249-276.
691 Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T. & Lund, T. 2001. **BinClass: A software package for classifying binary vectors. User's Guide. ** [[TUCS Technical Report 411.>>url:||shape="rect"]]
693 Gyllenberg M. & Metz, J. A. J. 2001. **On fitness in structured metapopulations **Journal of Mathematical Biology 43: 545-560.
695 Gyllenberg, M. & Parvinen, K. 2001. Necessary and sufficient conditions for evolutionary suicide. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 63: 981-993.
697 Gyllenberg, M. & Yan, P. 2001. **On a conjecture by Yang. **Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 264: 687-690.
699 Johnson, M. S., Lehtonen, J., Still, D-J., Rantanen, V-V. & Gyllenberg, M. 2001. **BODIL: Ripeää proteiinien visualisointia Linuxissa. **Tietoyhteys 4: 12-13.
701 Kisdi, É. 2001. **Long-term adaptive diversity in Levene-type models. **Evolutionary Ecology Research 3: 721-727.
703 Kisdi, É. & Geritz, S. A. H. 2001. **Evolutionary disarmament in interspecific competition. **Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 268: 2589-2594.
705 Kisdi, É., Jacobs, F. J. A. & Geritz, S. A. H. 2001. **Red Queen evolution by cycles of evolutionary branching and extinction. **Selection 2:161-176. [[PDF>>url:||shape="rect"]] (Courtesy of Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest)
707 Mathias, A., Kisdi, É. & Olivieri, I. 2001. **Divergent evolution of dispersal in a heterogeneous landscape. **Evolution 55: 246-259.
709 Meszéna, G., Kisdi, É., Dieckmann, U., Geritz, S. A. H. & Metz, J. A. J. 2001. **Evolutionary optimisation models and matrix games in the unified perspective of adaptive dynamics. **Selection 2: 193-210. [[PDF>>url:||shape="rect"]](Courtesy of Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest)
711 Metz, J. A. J. & Gyllenberg, M. 2001. **How should we define fitness in structured metapopulation models? Including an application to the calculation of evolutionarily stable dispersal strategies. **Proc. R. Soc. London B. 268: 499-508.
713 Noykova, N., Müller, T. G., Gyllenberg, M. & Timmer, J. 2001. **Identifiability problems in a mathematical model of anaerobic digestion. **In: V. Sgurev, K. Boyanon and M. Hadjiski (Eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Automatics and Informatics (May 31-June 2, 2001), Union of Automation and Informatics, Sofia (Bulgaria), pp. 37-40.
715 Rantanen, V-V., Denessiouk, K. A., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T. & Johnson, M. 2001. **A fragment library based on Gaussian mixtures predicting favorable molecular interactions. **Journal of Molecular Biology, 313: 197-214.
717 Wang, Y. and Jiang, J. 2001. **The convergence of a class of quasimonotone reaction-diffusion systems. **J. London Math. Soc. 64: 395-408.
719 Wang, Y. and Jiang, J. 2001. **The general properties of discrete-time competitive dynamical systems. **J. Differential Equations 176: 470-493.
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733 Aittokallio, T., Gyllenberg, M., Järvi, J., Nevalainen, O. & Polo, O. 2000. **Detection of high-frequency respiratory movements during sleep. **Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 61: 171 - 185.
735 Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M. & Thieme, H. R. 2000. **Lack of uniqueness in transport equations with a nonlocal nonlinearity. **Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences 10: 581-592.
737 Fränti, P., Gyllenberg, H. G., Gyllenberg, M., Kivijärvi, J., Koski, T., Lund, T. & Nevalainen, O. 2000. **Minimizing stochastic complexity using local search and GLA with applications to classification of bacteria.**BioSystems, 57: 37-48.
739 Geritz, S. A. H. & Kisdi, É. 2000. **Adaptive dynamics in diploid, sexual populations and the evolution of reproductive isolation. **Proc. R. Soc. Lond. B 267:1671-1678.
741 Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T. & Lund, T. 2000. **Applying the EM-algorithm to classification of bacteria. **In F. Naghdy, F. Kurfess, H. Ogata, E. Szczerbicki, H. Bother and H. Tlanfield (Eds.): Proceedings of the International ICSC Congress on Intelligent Systems and Applications, Vol. 2, pp. 65-71.
743 Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., Lund, T. & Nevalainen, O. 2000. **Clustering by adaptive local search with multiple search operators. **Pattern Analysis and Applications 3: 348-357.
745 Gyllenberg, M. , Koski, T., Lund, T. & Nevalainen, O. 2000. **On self-adaptation in multioperator local search. **In: R. J. Howlett and L. C. Jain (Eds.): Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems and Allied Technologies, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Brighton, UK, Vol.1, pp. 181-184.
747 Gyllenberg, M. & Sigmund, K. 2000. **The Fibonacci chimney. **The Mathematical Intelligencer 22:46.
749 Gyllenberg, M. & Silvestrov, D. S. 2000. **Nonlinearly perturbed regenerative processes and pseudo-stationary phenomena for stochastic systems. **Stochastic Processes and Their Applications 86: 1-27.
751 Gyllenberg, M. & Silvestrov, D. S. 2000. **Cramér-Lundberg approximation for nonlinearly perturbed risk processes. **Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 26: 75-90.
753 Kisdi, É. 2000. **Sensitivity analysis, indirect interactions and inconsistency problems. **Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15:329.
755 Noykova, N. & Gyllenberg, M. 2000. **Sensitivity analysis and paramter estimation in a model of anaerobic waste water treatment with substrate inhibition. **Bioprocess Engineering 23: 343-349.
757 Pásztor, E., Kisdi, É. & Meszéna, G. 2000. **Jensen's inequality and optimal life history strategies in stochastic environments. **Trends in Ecology and Evolution 15:117-118.
759 Yan Ping & Jiang Ji Fa. 2000. **A necessary and sufficient condition for oscillation of the generalized Liénard system. **(Chinese) Math. Appl. 13(4): 16-20.
761 Yan Ping & Jiang Ji Fa. 2000. **Existence of nontrivial periodic solutions for the generalized Liénard equation. **(Chinese) Math. Appl. 13(3): 31-34.
763 Yan Ping & Jiang Ji Fa. 2000. **The existence and nonexistence of periodic solutions of generalized Liénard equations. **(Chinese) J. Systems Sci. Math. Sci. 20(2): 210-216.
765 Yan Ping & Wu Jun A. 2000. **Periodic free boundary problem arising from continuous casting processes. **(Chinese) Math. Appl. 13(1): 51-55.
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779 Aittokallio, T., Gyllenberg, M., Kuusela, T., Hietarinta, J. & Multamäki, T. 1999. **Improving the false nearest neighbors method with graphical analysis. **Physical Review E, 60: 416-421.
781 Geritz, S. A. H. , Van der Meijden, E. & Metz, J. A. J. 1999. **Evolutionary dynamics of seed size and seedling competitive ability. **Theoretical Population Biology 55: 324-343.
783 Gyllenberg, H. G., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., Lund, T., Mannila, H. & Meek, C. 1999. **Singling out ill-fit items in a classification. Application to the taxonomy of Enterobacteriaceae. **Archives of Control Sciences 9: 97-105.
785 Gyllenberg, H. G., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., Lund, T. & Schindler, J. 1999. **An assessment of cumulative classification. **Quantitative Microbiology 1: 7-27.
787 Gyllenberg, H. G., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., Lund, T. & Schindler, J. 1999. **Enterobacteriaceae taxonomy approached by minimization of stochastic complexity. **Quantitative Microbiology 1: 157-170.
789 Gyllenberg, M., Hemminki, J. & Tammaru, T. 1999. **Allee effects can both conserve and create spatial heterogeneity in population densities. **Theoretical Population Biology 56: 231-242.
791 Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., Lund, T. & Gyllenberg, H. G. 1999. **Bayesian predictive identification and cumulative classification of bacteria. **Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 61: 85-111.
793 Gyllenberg, M. & Osipov A. V. 1999. **Limit cycles in the two-dimensional May problem. **(in Russian) Differentialnye Uravneniya 35: 733-737. English translation: Differential Equations 35: 733-738.
795 Gyllenberg, M. & Osipov A. V. 1999. **Types of dynamic behavior in the Hanski-Henttonen model. **(in Russian) Differentialnye Uravneniya 35: 882-888. English translation: Differential Equations 35: 888-895.
797 Gyllenberg, M. & Silvestrov, D. S. 1999. **Quasi-stationary phenomena for semi-Markov processes. **In: J. Janssen and N. Limnios (Eds.): Semi-Markov Models and Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht (The Netherlands), pp. 33-60.
799 Gyllenberg, M. & Silvestrov, D. S. 1999. **Cramér-Lundberg and diffusion approximations for nonlinearly perturbed risk processes including numerical computation of ruin probabilities. **Theor. Stoch. Proc. 5(21): 6-21.
801 Kisdi, É. 1999. **Evolutionary branching under asymmetric competition. **Journal of theoretical Biology 197: 149-162.
803 Kisdi, É. & Geritz, S. A. H. 1999. **Adaptive dynamics in allele space: Evolution of genetic polymorphism by small mutations in a heterogeneous environment. **Evolution 53: 993-1008.
805 Yan Ping & Jiang Ji Fa. 1999. **The center of the system x'=h(y)-F(x), y'=-g(x). **(in Chinese) J. Systems Sci. Math. Sci. 19: 353-358.
807 Yan Ping & Sun Guozheng. 1999. **A strengthened Carleman's inequality. **J. Math. Anal. Appl. 240: 290-293.
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821 Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Metz, J. A. J. & Thieme, H. R. 1998. **On the formulation and analysis of general deterministic structured population models. I. Linear theory. **Journal of Mathematical Biology 36: 349-388.
823 Geritz, S. A. H. 1998. **Co-evolution of seed size and seed predation. **Evolutionary Ecology 12: 891-911.
825 Geritz, S. A. H., Kisdi, É., Meszéna, G. & Metz, J. A. J. 1998. **Evolutionarily singular strategies and the adaptive growth and branching of the evolutionary tree. **Evolutionary Ecology 12: 35-57.
827 Gyllenberg, H. G., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T. & Lund, T. 1998. **Stochastic complexity as a taxonomic tool. **Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 56: 11-22.
829 Gyllenberg, M. & Koski, T. 1998. **Posterior predictive distributions for classification of multivariate binary data. **University of Turku, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Research Reports A21.
831 Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T. & Lund, T. 1998. **Applications of machine learning to microbial taxonomy. **(in Finnish) Tietojenkäsittelytiede (Journal of the Finnish Society for Computer Science), December 1998, pp. 23-24.
833 Gyllenberg, M. & Silvestrov, D. S. 1998. **Quasi-stationary phenomena in semi-Markov models. **In: J. Janssen and N. Limnios (Eds.): Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Semi-Markov Models: Theory and Applications. Université de Technologie de Compiègne. pp. 87-93.
835 Kisdi, É. 1998. **Frequency dependence versus optimization. **Trends in Ecology and Evolution 13:508.
837 Kisdi, É., Meszéna, G. & Pásztor, E. 1998. **Individual optimization: Mechanisms shaping the optimal reaction norm. **Evolutionary Ecology 12: 211-221.
839 Persson, L., Leonardsson, K., de Roos, A., Gyllenberg, M. & Christensen, B. 1998. **Ontogenetic scaling of foraging rates and the dynamics of a size-structured consumer-resource model. **Theoretical Population Biology 54: 270-293.
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853 Geritz, S. A. H., Metz, J. A. J., Kisdi, É. & Meszéna, G. 1997. **Dynamics of adaptation and evolutionary branching. **Physical Review Letters 78: 2024-2027.
855 Gyllenberg, H. G., Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., Lund, T., Schindler, J. & Verlaan, M. 1997. **Classification of Enterobacteriaceae by minimization of stochastic complexity. **Microbiology 143: 721-732.
857 Gyllenberg M. & Hanski, I. 1997. **Habitat deterioration, habitat destruction and metapopulation persistence in a heterogeneous landscape. **Theoretical Population Biology 52: 198-215.
859 Gyllenberg, M., Hanski, I. & Hastings, A. 1997. **Structured metapopulation models. **In: I. Hanski & M. Gilpin (eds.): Metapopulation dynamics: Ecology, genetics and evolution. Academic Press, London, pp. 93-122.
861 Gyllenberg, M., Hanski, I. & Lindström T. 1997. **Continuous versus discrete single species population models. **Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 59: 679-705.
863 Gyllenberg, M. & Koski, T. 1997. **On predictive classifications of binary vectors. **Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics, Ft. Lauderdale (Florida), pp. 239-242.
865 Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T. & Verlaan, M. 1997. **Classification of binary vectors by stochastic complexity. **Journal of Multivariate Analysis 63: 47-72.
867 Gyllenberg, M., Osipov A. V. & Söderbacka, G. 1997. **Effekt sohraneniya attraktora pri dvumernom vozmushchenii. **Differentialnye Uravneniya, 33: 859-860. English translation in Differential Equations.
869 Gyllenberg, M. & Silvestrov, D.S. 1997. **Exponential asymptotics for perturbed renewal equations and pseudo-stationary phenomena for stochastic systems. **Umea University, Department of Mathematical Statistics, Research Report 3. ISSN 1401-730X.
871 Hanski, I. & Gyllenberg, M. 1997. **Uniting two general patterns in the distribution of species. **Science 275: 397-400.
873 Meszéna, G., Czibula, I. & Geritz, S. A. H. 1997. **Adaptive dynamics in a two-patch environment: A toy model for allopatric and parapatric speciation. **Journal of Biological Systems 5: 265-284.
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887 Gyllenberg, M., Hanski, I. & Lindström, T. 1996. **A predator-prey model with optimal suppression of reproduction in the prey. **Mathematical Biosciences 134: 119-152.
889 Gyllenberg, M. & Koski, T. 1996. **Numerical taxonomy and the principle of maximum entropy. **Journal of Classification 13: 213-229.
891 Gyllenberg, M. & Koski, T. 1996. **Posterior predictive distributions and maximal predictiveness for classification of multivariate binary data. **Department of Mathematics, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, TRITA-MAT-1996-MS-01.
893 Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., Reilink E. & Verlaan, M. 1996. **Probabilistic aspects of numerical identification in microbiology. **In: Shiryaev, A. N, Melnikov, A. V., Niemi, H. & Valkeila, E. (eds.): Frontiers in pure and applied probability, TVP Science Publishers, Moscow, pp. 67-78.
895 Gyllenberg, M., Osipov, A. V. and Söderbacka, G. 1996. **Bifurcation analysis of a metapopulation model with sources and sinks. **Journal of Nonlinear Science 6: 329-366.
897 Hanski, I., Moilanen, A. & Gyllenberg, M. 1996. **Minimum viable metapopulation size. **The American Naturalist, 147: 527-541.
899 Metz, J. A. J., Geritz, S. A. H., Meszéna, G., Jacobs, F. J. A. & Van Heerwaarden, J. S. 1996. **Adaptive dynamics: A geometrical study of the consequences of nearly faithfull reproduction. **In: S. J. van Strien & S. M. Verduyn-Lunel (eds.): Stochastic and spatial structures of dynamical systems. North Holland, Elsevier, pp. 183-231.
901 Pásztor, E., Meszéna, G. & Kisdi, É. 1996. **R0 or r: A matter of taste? **Journal of evolutionary Biology 9: 511-518.
903 Yordanova, S. T. & Noykova, N. 1996. **An investigation of the model of aerobic waste water treatment processes. **Bioprocess Engineering 15: 201-203.
905 Yordanova, S. T. & Noykova, N. 1996. **Influence of perturbations on the waste water treatment process. **Chemical and Biochemical Engineering Quarterly, Zagreb, 10: 9-14.
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919 Diekmann, O. Gyllenberg, M. & Thieme, H. R. 1995. **Perturbing evolutionary systems by cumulative outputs and step responses. **Differential and Integral Equations 8: 1205-1244.
921 Geritz, S. A. H. 1995. **Evolutionarily stable seed polymorphism and small-scale spatial variation in seedling density. **The American Naturalist 146: 685-707.
923 Gyllenberg, M. & Koski, T. 1995. **A taxonomic associative memory based on neural computation. **Binary 7: 61-66.
925 Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T. & Lahti, T. 1995. **Associativ memories for clusters of binary vectors using MATLAB(TM) Neural Network Toolbox. **In: Lars Langemyr (ed.): Proceedings of Nordic MATLAB Conference '95, Comsol, Stockholm, Vol. II, pp. 49-54.
927 Jablonka, É., Oborny, B., Molnár, I., Kisdi, É., Hofbauer, J. & Czárán, T. 1995. **The adaptive advantage of phenotypic memory in changing environments. **Philosophical Transanctions of the Royal Society, London, B 350: 133-141.
929 Kisdi, É. & Meszéna, G. 1995. **Life histories with lottery competition in a stochastic environment: ESSs which do not prevail. **Theoretical Population Biology 47: 191-211.
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943 Gyllenberg, M. 1994. **Matematiikka luonnontieteiden kielenä. **(English summary: Mathematics as the language of science) Arkhimedes 3: 230-238.
945 Gyllenberg, M., Högnäs, G. & Koski, T. 1994. **Population models with environmental stochasticity. **Journal of Mathematical Biology 32: 93-108.
947 Gyllenberg, M., Högnäs, G. & Koski, T. 1994. **Null recurrence in a stochastic Ricker model. **In: Gyllenberg, M. & Persson, L. E. (eds.): Analysis, Algebra and Computers in Mathematics. Proceedings of the 21th Nordic Congress of Mathematicians, Marcel Dekker, New York - Basel - Hong Kong, pp. 147-166.
949 Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T., Reilink, E., & Verlaan, M. 1994. **Nonuniqueness in probabilistic numerical identification of bacteria. **Journal of Applied Probability 31: 542-548.
951 Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T. & Verlaan, M. 1994. **Clustering and quantization of binary vectors using stochastic complexity. **In: Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, p. 390.
953 Gyllenberg, M. & Silvestrov, D. S. 1994. **Quasistationary distributions of a stochastic metapopulation model. **Journal of Mathematical Biology 33: 35-70.
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966 Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Metz, J. A. J. & Thieme, H. R. 1993. **The "cumulative" formulation of (physiologically) structured population models. **In: Ph. Clement & G. Lumer (eds.): Evolution Equations, Control Theory and Biomathematics, Marcel Dekker, New York, pp. 145-154.
968 Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M. & Thieme, H. R. 1993. **Perturbing semigroups by solving Stieltjes renewal equations. **Differential and Integral Equations 6: 155-181.
970 Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M. & Thieme, H. R. 1993. **Perturbing evolutionary systems by cumulative outputs and step responses. **Lulea University of Technology, Department of Applied Mathematics, Research Report 1993 04, ISRN HLU-TMAT-RES~-~-93/4~-~-SE.
972 Diekmann, O., Gyllenberg, M., Thieme, H. R. & Verduyn Lunel, S. M. 1993. **A cell-cycle model revisited. **Centrum for Wiskunde en Informatica, Report AM-R9305.
974 Gyllenberg, M. 1993. **Does time lag of nutrient utilization justify Monod's model of bacterial growth? **Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 55: 487-489.
976 Gyllenberg, M., Gyllenberg, H. G., Koski, T. & Schindler, J. 1993. **Nonuniqueness of numerical taxonomic structures. **Binary 5: 138-144.
978 Gyllenberg, M., Koski, T. & Verlaan, M. 1993. **On quantization of binary vectors using stochastic complexity. **In: L. Mansson (ed.): Proceedings of the Sixth Joint Swedish-Russian International Workshop on Information Theory (Molle 1993), Student litteratur, Lund, pp. 240-244.
980 Gyllenberg, M., Söderbacka, G. & Ericsson, S. 1993. **Does migration stabilize local population dynamics? Analysis of a discrete metapopulation model. **Mathematical Biosciences 118: 25-49.
982 Hanski, I. & Gyllenberg, M. 1993. **Two general metapopulation models and the core-satellite species hypothesis. **The American Naturalist 142: 17-41.
984 Kisdi, É. & Meszéna, G. 1993. **Density dependent life history evolution in fluctuating environments. **In: C. W. Clark & J. Yoshimura (eds.): Adaptation in a stochastic environment, Lecture Notes in Biomathematics 98: 26-62, Springer Verlag, Berlin.
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997 Gyllenberg, M. & Hanski, I. 1992. **Single-species metapopulation dynamics: A structured model. **Theoretical Population Biology 42: 35-62.
999 Gyllenberg, M. & Webb, G. F. 1992. **Asynchronous exponential growth of semigroups of nonlinear operators. **J. Math. Anal. Appl. 167: 443-467.
1001 Metz, J. A. J., Nisbet, R. M. & Geritz, S. A. H. 1992. **How should we define "fitness" for general ecological scenarios? **Trends in Ecology and Evolution 7: 198-202.
1003 Oksanen, T., Oksanen, L. & Gyllenberg, M. 1992. **Exploitation ecosystems in heterogenous habitat complexes II: Impact of small-scale heterogeneity on predator prey dynamics. **Evolutionary Ecology 6: 383-398.
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